A couple of things came up today, so rather than editing my Weekly Memo, I'll just post about it in a new post.
Kennedy Road Middle School Yearbooks are now on sale. They are $32. All students were sent home with a pink piece of paper with the information on them. On the paperwork, it says that Yearbooks are $35, but this was an error and students have been directed to change it to $32. Make checks payable to Kennedy Road Middle.
In my 1st and 6th Literature classes, we will still be starting "A Noble Experiment," however, something has been added to the weekly tasks. Starting on Wednesday, students will take the Student Reading Inventory (SRI), which will tell us what each students' reading lexile is. This will not be a graded assignment, however, please encourage your children to do their very best on it.
And finally, there will be two basketball games this week: an away game in Pike County on Wednesday, and a home game against Cowan Road on Friday. Both games will start at 5PM, so come out and support your Cougars!