Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekly Memo - Back to Normal

So after all the outside of class stuff from last week that was scheduled, this week, it looks like we are getting back to normal.

This week in my 1st and 6th Period Literature classes, we will finish out the story "I am a Native of North America" by Chief Dan George. It will culminate with the students having to compare and contrast Chief Dan George with Baseball Hall of Famer, Jackie Robinson, who our previous story was about. At the end of the week, we will begin our next story, a selection from Immigrant Kids.

In my 2nd and 3rd Period Read 180 classes, we will finish our section on When Nature Attacks, which will culminate with a test over the section. The test will be based on comprehension from the stories we've read and on the vocabulary we have been studying.

Both classes will be visiting the Media Center on Wednesday, where they will renew their project books, as well as either renew their second books or check out new ones.

Speaking of the project, there's a saying on a poster on my wall about how Due Dates Are Closer Than They Appear. Even though we are still a few weeks away from when the Book Report Project is due, it is never too early to start working on it. There is no penalty for turning it in early either, so if you get finished with it, go ahead and turn it in. Make sure you follow all the directions on the Project Direction Sheet you have been given. If you don't understand something, just ask.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great week!