Thursday, January 3, 2013

Weekly Memo - Welcome Back

To start things off, I would like to welcome everyone back. I hope everyone enjoyed their break and are ready to start 2013 off right. As you can tell, the blog is currently undergoing some renovations, so expect changes here and there over the next few weeks.

One change is I will start doing weekly memos on here so to better inform everyone about what is going on in class on a weekly basis, so if you want to know when I add content to the blog, make sure you Join This Site. The information for doing so can be found under the Followers tab toward the bottom of the right hand column. You can also subscribe to it through your e-mail by submitting your e-mail address on the right of the page.

A brand new feature of the blog is our Forum. Up at the top tab, if you click Forum, it will take you to a message board. Students will have to register, but it will be a great way to ask questions after school hours or during weekends, or anytime when you can think about it. We will also have discussions on there that students will eventually have to respond to in order to meet some assignment criteria.

The Literature Challenges will change into CRCT Practice Questions starting Monday. Like the Literature Challenges, the CRCT Practice Questions are given every Monday and will be due by the end of the day on Friday. Students without access to the internet may come to the classroom during bus dismissal time, provided they receive permission from their 7th Period teacher to do so. Any student that comes to the class without permission from their teacher will not be allowed to come back during this time.

With this being a short week, both my Literature and Read 180 classes will be doing the same thing. Students read a biography of one of the following civil rights leaders (Medgar Evers, Mary Mcleod Bethune, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Linda Brown, or John Brown) and then answer several questions on their person. Tomorrow, they will take that information and create a bookmark using the information they wrote down. As a part of their assignment, students are required to bring either color pencils or crayons tomorrow to class. These are items that are already part of their supply list for the year, so they should already have it.

That's all for this first installment. I hope everyone has a good week back!