Running a bit late this week with my Weekly Memo, but better late than never.
Did anyone get a chance to see the comet last week? I didn't. I followed all the instructions of how to spot it, and I still didn't see it. I guess where I live, the trees block most of the view to the west, so we weren't high enough or flat enough to see over them. Oh well, there's another one coming toward the end of the year that, while not as bright, is supposed to be more visible.
Now, on to class related stuff. This week students will receive their Report Cards on Thursday. If they have a fine of some kind, they will not receive one. For me, Report Cards do not have to be signed and returned, but some teachers do require this, so make sure you ask your child if their teacher is requiring it to be brought back signed.
Due to the schedule, we will not be going to the Media Center this week. Our regularly scheduled Media Center time is next week, so we will just continue the schedule then. This will also be when they receive information for their new book report project, the final one of the year.
In my 1st and 6th Period classes, we will continue reading "The Smallest Dragonboy" by Anne McCaffrey. We will have several activities along with it, so there is many opportunities to receive good grades this week.
In my 2nd and 3rd Period classes, we will finish up Workshop 3 of our unit. This will lead to a test on Thursday over both the vocabulary and comprehension of the unit.
In all of my classes, homework is to complete the CRCT Practice #8, found on this blog, by Friday, and to continue to work in Study Island. I am assigning Practice Tests for areas that students have shown a weakness in. If a student does not score an 80 or higher on the practice test, they will be assigned additional support in that area. Students will need to log in to Study Island on a regular basis (2-3 times a week) to keep checking for more material.
I hope everyone has a good week!