Modern technology is wonderful thing.
Do you know we have a way for students and parents to receive the same message and/or reminder without having to type in everyone's number? It's called Remind101, and it's very simple to use, and all it requires you to have is a cell phone.
Please follow the directions:
In your text message program, type in the following number: (678) 967-3027
In the message screen type the information that corresponds to whatever period you or your child is in:
2nd Period (Read 180 - 6th Grade) - @r1802nd
3rd Period (Spanish - 8th Grade) - @krmsspan
4th Period (Read 180 - 7th Grade) - @r1804th
5th Period (Read 180 - 7th Grade) - @r1805th
6th Period (Read 180 - 8th Grade) - @r1806th
7th Period (Read 180 - 8th Grade) - @r1807th
Then send it, and you will receive the confirmation message that you have joined.
I will be using this for reminders about things going on in the class and school, example being, when an assignment is due in class or when important events are happening at the school.
Now for the challenge: The class that receives the highest percentage of registrations from students and parents by the end of next week (Friday, August 30th) will receive a prize. To be eligible for the prize in the class, students must have registered.
If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at Thank you.