Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekly Memo: Week 2

It is Week 2 of the school year.

I started posting my Weekly Memo last week, but never fully introduced what it does. The Weekly Memo gives a basic run down on the stuff that will be happening in and out of the class for that week, so if you want to stay up to date on the class, this is the entry to read on a weekly basis.

This week we are doing Benchmark testing to see what the students remember from last year and just to see what they already know for this year. Today and tomorrow, testing will be done in 2nd Period and 5th Period, but will be in extended class sessions, so your students won't see their 3rd or 6th Period teachers during these days. Today, students took Language Arts and Reading Benchmark Tests, while tomorrow they will take Math and Science. On Wednesday, students will complete their testing in 1st Period (Social Studies), and will allow for any make-up testing to be completed in the afternoon, starting in 5th Period.

It is very important for students to do their very best on these, as the data learned through them will be very beneficial for their teachers in planning this upcoming year.

In other news, when we aren't doing Benchmark testing, my classes will be completing their first group project, where they will be doing Mini-Book Report Podcasts. The following is just one example of the type of podcast they can do with the books.

Don't worry. The books they are having to do the Mini-Book Reports on are picture books that many of them read when they were children. This is merely a simple activity that will give them an idea on how to do podcasts for books, as it is something they will have to do later on in class.

More than likely we will be starting the Read 180 Program next week, as we are still waiting for all the bugs to be worked out from the program before we get started.

This Saturday is the football Jamboree! Thanks to rain this past weekend, it got rescheduled to this weekend, so make sure you come out and support the Cougars! The games will be this Saturday at Memorial Stadium. GO COUGARS!!!

Speaking of "Go Cougars," the Lady Cougars Softball Team will be having their first game tomorrow (August 20th), so good luck to them on the start of their season.

That's all I have for you, so have a good week everyone.