Thursday, October 28, 2010

Computer Club Meeting 2

Greetings Computer Club members!!! Today you will complete an Internet Scavenger Hunt for fun and prizes. You get to pick which Scavenger Hunter you would like to do. Each of them have 10 things you must find, so none of them are easier than the other. Head your paper with the Scavenger Hunt you have chosen to do. Then write the COMPLETE answers down in your notebook, and when you get finished with all 10 questions, raise your hand and I will check. The first five people that answer all the questions correctly will receive a prize.

Good luck!!!

Scavenger Hunts

Ride the Ocean Waves Scavenger Hunt
Biomes of the World Scavenger Hunt
Butterfly Gardens Scavenger Hunt
Practically Perfect Percent Scavenger Hunt
Amazing Animals Scavenger Hunt
Ancient Egyptian Scavenger Hunt
Famous Explorers Scavenger Hunt
Fraction Scavenger Hunt