Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Canned Food Drive

Kennedy Road Middle School has begun their Canned Food Drive. The Canned Foods are going to help those families in our community that are less fortunate than the rest of us. The overall school goal is 5,500, however, we'd like to be able to donate much more than that. If we reach our goal, Coach B can finally get that haircut she's been dying for, because she's going to have her head shaved in front of everyone.

Each grade level is doing things a little bit different in order to add that extra incentive to get students to bring in cans. Ms. Brown has promised a pizza party to everyone in Seventh Grade, provided each homeroom has at least 300 cans. On top of that the homeroom that has the most cans will receive a Hot Wing Party. Lots and lots of good food can be won for helping out others.

For my homeroom, on top of everything that Ms. Brown is doing, I'm giving a red ticket away for each can that a student brings in. From the looks of it, I might have to invest in another roll of tickets, seeing two days into the competition I have had students already donate 84 cans in two days. I also have promised a little extra to the student who brings in the most cans.

We're doing all these incentives, which is a lot of fun for everyone, but remember why we're doing this. It's to help people that really need it. The canned food drive goes until Friday, December 10th, so come on and bring those cans in!!!