Monday, December 6, 2010

Language Arts Weekly Challenge 13 - Sentence Types

The following Language Arts challenge is all about the Sentence types. Simply tell me whether the following sentences are a simple sentence, a compound sentence, or a complex sentence.

Simple Sentence - A sentence with only one independent clause.
Compound Sentence - A sentence with two or more independent clauses.
Complex Sentence - A sentence with one independent clause and one dependent clause.

This challenge is due by Sunday.

1. Pauline and Bruno have a big argument every summer over where they should spend their summer vacation.

2. Pauline loves to go to the beach and spend her days sunbathing.

3. Bruno dislikes sitting on the beach; he always gets a nasty sunburn.

4. Bruno tends to get bored sitting on the beach, watching the waves, getting sand in his swimsuit, and reading detective novels for a week.

5. Although they are 250 miles apart, they keep in constant contact on the internet.