Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Week 18 - Language Arts Assignments

As we approach the end of the semester, students are getting antsy. Please continue to remind them to be on their best behavior in school.

In class this week, we continue Read 180. Last week, students took their Student Reading Inventories (SRI), which counted as their finals. Students then had individual conferences with me in order to review their SRI, as well as the data they have from the Read 180 program.

Today, we turned in our library books, so if you still have a library book out, it needs to be turned in to the library as soon as possible to avoid a late fee.

Due at the end of this week is the Language Arts Weekly Challenge and their sponges.

Also, over the break, for students who need to catch-up with their reading, they may continue to read over the break, turning in their reading log when we return. For a look at what the reading log should look like, check out the following:

Reading Log