Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 18 - Spanish Assignments (Midterm Projects)

The Spanish class this semester has been an absolute joy on my end. Almost all of the students have done such an outstanding job with their work, and I cannot wait to see what Part 2 of the subject entails. However, the semester is not quite over with yet.

Monday - Friday

Students will divide into groups and choose one of the following projects to complete in class. This project must be completed and presented by Friday. The chose of projects are as follows:

1. MUSICAL LYRICS (1-2 people)

Find a song sung in Spanish that you can burn to a CD, ipod, or portable storage device so that you can play it for the class. Make a poster that depicts the lyrics in Spanish AND English

 (translate). Include a picture of the artist performing, as well as the Song title and original songwriter and album information. If you want to find a song in English, you will have to find a way to record someone (talk to your buddies in chorus!) singing it in Spanish so that you can play it for the class IN SPANISH. You could also have someone perform it live!

 2. PHOTOBOOK (1-2 people)

Take pictures that tell a story. Your subject can be anything, but approve it with me first. Write captions that narrate your story IN SPANISH. Include an ENGLISH translation. You will put them into a photo book or paste them into a scrapbook. Be prepared to present them to the class! An alternative would be to make a powerpoint presentation that completes the same assignment. Either way, you will need to include at least 20 pictures with at least one complete sentence for each caption.


Design a class game, board game, or class activity that helps reinforce a concept or multiple concepts we have learned in class. You will need to write out a rule booklet that explains how to play the game/ do the activity IN SPANISH with an ENGLISH translation. If the game requires questions you must write them out on cards with questions. Include enough cards to occupy a class period if we were to take a day to play your game. If you create a board game, you must include all the pieces that are required to play the game, and all the pieces must be original and specific for the game.

4. SKIT/ SHORT PLAY (3-4 people)

Perform a short skit or play, lasting at least 5-7 minutes, for the class. You must type out your lines in Spanish and English and English Translation to turn in to me, but perform the play in Spanish. You may have a person narrating in English if you would like, but ALL the actors lines must be in Spanish. You may write your own play or TRANSLATE an existing one.

On Wednesday, there will be an interlude in this project work, where students will complete the Spanish I  mid-term, to see how they stack up with what they are teaching in  high school.