As of 4:44PM yesterday afternoon, we are officially in the Fall Season. We are only about 100 days away from Christmas, and only a few weeks away from our first report card and Fall Break. So much to do, so little time.
This week, we continue with Read 180. In my 6th and 7th Grade classes, we'll finish up reading about Irene Rodriguez, and move on to finding out about the US Census and how it keeps track of new immigrants to the United States. While in 8th Grade, we continue to read about self-esteem and peer pressure and how it effects people differently.
For schoolwide news, this is Homecoming Week. If you're visiting the school today, you might see some interesting hats or hairstyles, but that's all in keeping with today's theme of Crazy Hat and Hair Day. Tomorrow is Nerd Day, Wednesday is School Colors Day (Maroon and Gray) plus a Pep Rally, plus the Homecoming Game against Carver, Thursday is Old School Day, and Friday is Homecoming T-Shirt Day, plus the Homecoming Dance that evening.
It is going to be a busy week to be sure.
Hope it's a good one for everyone.