Monday, November 8, 2010

Language Arts Homework for the Week

1) Vocabulary Mini-Poster – Choose one of the five target words (destruction, major, prevent, recovery, severe). On a white sheet of paper, include the word, the definition, two examples of the word in a sentence, and a picture that illustrates the word. It must be eye-catching, neat, and must have been proofread prior to being turned in. This is due Wednesday, November 10.

(Students have been given a piece of plain white computer paper in order to complete this assignment)

2) Reading Log (75+ Pages) – Due Friday, November 12, 2010.

(Remember the goal for the end of the semester is 1500 pages, and while 75 pages is what is needed to get credit for their homework, several students are well behind the 1500 pages goal, so it maybe necessary for them to read more than 75 pages a week)

3) Language Arts Weekly Challenge 10 – Due Friday, November 12, 2010

4) Book Reviews – Due Friday, November 12

(This is the second of three Book Reviews. The books that they review must be approved by myself. If it is not approved, then it will not count. The first was turned in on Friday, October 29.)

5) Get agendas signed