Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Language Arts Weekly Challenge 12 - Proofreading

This week's Language Arts Challenge is simple. All of the following sentences contain an errors. Simply retype the sentences, correcting the errors. The errors that you will see deals with capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and usage. Seeing I got this up a little later this week, I'll give you until Sunday to complete it. Good luck.

Example: my father go on a trip to florida next Week
Answer: My father will go on a trip to Florida next week.

Notice: "My" needs to be capitalized because it is at the beginning of the sentence. "Florida" needs to be capitalized because it is a proper noun. Week does not need to be capitalized, because it is a common noun. "Go" needs to be changed to "will go" because it is taking place in the future (next week), and the tense needs to match the action. A period needs to come at the end, because it is a declarative sentence.

1. The hole class arived late because the Bus broke down

2. Mine sisters collects butterflys.

3. Jean like that movie but She hates the ending

4. Did you’re family enjoy the fiesta

5. Me did not see wear you planted the seads.

Ten tickets will be awarded to every student who gets all five of these correct.