Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spanish Challenge (The Finale)

Ladies and gentlemen of my Spanish class, this is it. We are slowly winding down to the end of the semester, and you have been doing a good job. One of the most memorable moments from this first semester was when we all discovered the fun and educational video ConjugationsBack, which presented an entertaining way to teach you how to conjugate your verbs in Spanish. For those that need a refresher, here it is.

Now, for your final challenge this semester, you will have to do what the above video did. Write a song that helps teach someone else something that you have learned in Spanish this semester. You may "parody" a real song like the ConjugationsBack did or you can write something brand new. This is also the first challenge that I will allow you to work on with another student, just make sure that when you submit it, it has all of your names on it. You should also be aware that if your song is good enough, we might just have to record it and put it on the website for all to see, because after all, if you're good...you're good.

Because this is going to take awhile to do, and the fact that you have your final due next week, I'm going to give you to the rest of the semester to turn this in, so it's due on Friday, December 17 before class is over. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in class or just ask them on here, and I'll answer them as soon as possible.

Good luck and have fun.