Eight Parts of Speech Project
Grading Rubric
The following project is an in-class group project. While students may bring in materials from home to assist them, such as magazines and computer clip-art, the work will be done in class. The tentative due date for this project is Friday, February 18th, however, the due date maybe extended based on the need for it.
Creative cover page-theme must be included (10 pts) _______
Definition for each part of speech (8 pts) ______
Five sentences for each part of speech (200 pts) _______
No spelling errors
No punctuation errors
Part of speech underlined or highlighted
Sentence is greater than 7 words long
Part of speech is used correctly in the sentence
Illustrations for each sentence (160 pts) ________
Illustration is colorful. (Exceptions must be approved)
Illustration represents the sentence.
Illustration shows effort.
Illustration is neat and interesting.
Table of contents (10 pts) _______
The 8 Parts of Speech Project
Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections
1. Choose a theme (must be approved)
2. Make an attractive cover page.
3. Make a table of contents on page 2 (the page after your cover page).
4. Write the definition for each part of speech.
5. Write 5 sentences for each part of speech. All sentences/illustrations must be based on your theme.
6. Illustrate each sentence with your own drawings, clipart, magazine, pictures, etc. Make it colorful and interesting (neatness counts).
7. Underline or highlight the word that represents the part of speech in each sentence.
8. Create compound and/or complex sentences (minimum 8 words).